Monday 12 September 2011

Where are we

Hi, we are in Burlington, Ont staying at our friends house.  Wendell & Elisa have gone to Japan and have graciously offered us their place.  We arrived Friday night.  I will update the blog later today with the last of our pictures for a while.  We will go to a travel agency and see what we can work out.  Still contemplating the US Consulate.
Going to visit my sister Anne on Tuesday and Judy on Wednesday.  Oh yes we will be visiting Woody and Terry Lee on Thursday.  Can't wait to see what Woody does, I think he'll act ticked off and meow a lot.
Another beautiful day in southern Ontario and no humidity, which is the killer.  That's it for now folks.
Cheers, nrm & bam

1 comment:

Cecile said...

Hey kids,

Housesitting -- yeah. Do you know anyone in Tuscany that you can housesit for? If so, pls. send for me. I can drink wine & eat olives for months and months.

The US Consulate. R u crazee? They have your fingerprints and mug shots .... you're criminals for god's sake (kidding). Good Luck.

Can't wait to hear how Mr. Woody treated his Mama and Papa. I think he'll purr his little orange head off at seeing your smiling faces : )
