Friday 15 July 2011

The Long & Winding & Dragon Fly Highway

What's up with all the dragon flies out west.  We were being bombarded by them, they were flying towards us and then bouncing off the windshield, poor buggers.  They were mostly in Sask.  We are in AB now in Medicine Hat.  We are heading out soon to Drumheller to visit the dinosaurs.  Seems to be a lot to do there so we'll probably stay there for the night.  Wondering if we can get tickets to the Stampede. I tried yesterday but TicketMaster wouldn't open.

Our driving from Man through Sask was beautiful.  It is very scenic, lots of rolling hills and mountains off in the far distance, could be Montana, not sure.  The colors were magnificent, every shade of green and gold imaginable.  Of course there is tons of Canola being grown, and it is a vibrant yellow.  Flax is purple but we haven't seen it yet.  We think we saw wheat but not really sure looked like dead long grass, somewhat golden.  Hmmm.


Ok, ready to hit the road, Later.
Cheers, nrm & bam


Debbie said...

Nice picture! Drumheller sounds interesting. While you're in Alberta, you gotta go to Vulcan! Maybe Spock is visiting is family!

Danni said...

Drummheller is pretty cool went there along time ago when Kathy was really into Dinosaurs. I would love to go again though, now that I am older and seem to remember things better....

Khantiki said...

Relaxing today after the drive back from Haliburton. Not nearly as far as you've driven!!!!

Love the pix...keep them coming. Can't wait for your next installment.

Anonymous said...

Looks like you guys are having a great time!

Missed you at the summer party Nancy!!!


nrm & bam said...

Hey Nicole send me your email address from BNB. I don't think I spell your last right. Thanks.